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AXJ Members discuss the INTERPOL Group on Facebook
This group was created some time ago on Facebook and has some 3,500 members who have been witness to how a few people stalk, insult, bully and defame others as if it was some kind of a joke. Actually this is very serious and AXJ calls on Law Enforcement to resolve it.
You can read a few posts here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/53807893645/
Of course many are using fake profiles to deliberately threaten others.
This has gone as far as a Mr. Pete Geary, the President of an organization called BUACA of Australia, actually physically going out to the home of a person and "confronting" him about comments posted on this forum.
Here is a picture of Mr. Geary "questioned" by the Australian Police in December of 2012 in front of the home of the person he was "visiting".
Pete Geary President of BUACA "questioned" by Australian Police
In this sense AXJ members have placed evidence and pictures under the file tab so that anyone wanting to read the truth can access it any time.
To be fair we will allow those that want to discuss that forum to publish on this website but we warn you that our AXJ Administrator will ban you at the first insult or defamation of anyone without evidence.
We will soon post all the videos, comments and names and personal information of all those stalking, bullying, insulting, and defaming others for Law Enforcement to act.
This person seems to think he owns the internet and has just published a domain he acquired recently to stalk, insult and defame a person with that domain name. Is this lawful, moral and ethical? You decide:
John's real name apparently is John Hans Anderson of Canada. He has so many different fake accounts and names on Facebook we have actually lost count.
Anderson likes to run talk shows and do videos. He says he represents BUACA in Canada. We all know about BUACA from the picture above.
He also runs a show called S.T.O.L.E.N. and a few others. His cousin Karen is his only fan.
Well Mr. Anderson just so happens to like to publicly threaten to "kill people". As a matter of fact under the FILES tab on that INTERPOL group on Facebook we can find an Indictment against Mr. Anderson precisely for threatening to "kill people".
Anderson's cousin. At first we thought she was a nice normal lady until she started insulting everyone she could. Very nasty indeed. There is even a 2 hour video between her and her cousin badmouthing everyone in the world.
This is a woman we have asked many times not to insult and defame others without evidence. She does not take advice and does what she wants to, thinking human beings don't have feelings, and she somehow feels superior to others.
Her personal case is very sad and out of respect to her child we will not discuss it here.
Again we ask her publicly not to insult and defame others.
This is an example of how Tracey expresses herself on Facebook:
Amanda Crompton That ain't me moron you have just fkkd up that is a mother to children who john aster slandered and threatened can't even get your facts straight can you if I was you I would remove that photo of the mother because she hasn't even been in here for over a month hell she might even let pete use that as evidence of stalking lol cheers
Apparently what Amanda Crompton is referring to is Mr. John Aster, and Australian father that has been fighting to have his daughter returned from Korea where apparently she was abducted to by his ex-wife.
"Pete" on the other hand refers to the President of BUACA we have seen in the previous picture.
Amanda Crompton FBI will shut down all websites that are fake
According to Amanda Crompton the FBI will close down all media and suspend the first amendment right to freedom of Speech and of the Press in the United States of America ( USA ) just because she doesn't like to read the Truth?
It doesn't work that way Amanda. If the FBI could shut down every Media Outlet in the United States of America ( USA ) we would no longer be living in a free country but under a dictatorship. You have your chance to publish your comments below.
freedom of speech, sharig information and helping the authorities stamp out internet crime. AXJ surely can't disagree with that can they?
Hove Handyman hmm its involved do you think it matters what email or phone number for ed there's so many, asnwer pls doing it now thanks.
Hove Handyman Keep going my next complaint to them will be internet bullying but thanks for this it will be added to eveything else infact I think I already have enough to make that complaint along side being scammed by AXJ.
The advice is the same to everyone, when cyber-bullies like this attack you just block them and if they continue report them to the local police.
Mr. John Hans Anderson and Mr. Pete Geary of BUACA both have criminal records. All it takes is a call to the Canadian or Australian Police to prove it.
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.
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