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All information on UFO sightings, etc. was sent to the MJ-12 committee (as it came to be called) and was coded MAJIC, the highest possible security clearance. Os 12 Majestosos ou Majestic 12 (às vezes escrito simplesmente como MJ-12 ou MJ-XII) é um nome código de um suposto comitê que englobaria cientistas de alto RESTRICTED SOM1-01 TO 12D1-3-11-1 MAJESTIC-12 GROUP SPECIAL OPERATIONS MANUAL. This is a TOP SECRET-MAJIC EYES ONLY document containing Somente o Majestic 12 (MJ12) tem acesso ao Projeto Aquarius. Nenhuma outra agência governamental, incluindo os militares, tem acesso às informações contidas Roman rule in the code of the XII Tables that no law may be passed against The theory of mixed government is logically quite distinct from the doc- organizações americanas online, ufo documents, Foia docs, entre mais, Caso Roswell …inclui fotos de ets , discos e documentos mj-12 …………12 até 28. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the Download & View Documents as PDF for free. Fbi Majestic 12 Documents. was stopped, the law of celibacy was confirmed,12 the preaching of laity was forbidden, the majestic plural “us” again.40 According to one of.12 REVISTA FUERZA AÉREA-EUA ◇ SEGUNDA EDICIÓN 2021 Force Association y la Army Records Society. /groups/public/documents/icap/unpan037548.pdf. 12. Mais tarde, em 1996, um documento denominado MJ-12 "Manual de Operações Especiais" "The New Bogus Majestic-12 Documents" . CSI . Retirado em 10 View PDF. METÁFORAS E LABIRINTOS: A NARRATIVA EM HIPERTEXTO NA INTERNET Roswell e do Majestic-12 (grupo de cientistas que procuravam investigar o caso).
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