Last month we made breakfast in bed, threw together a brunch buffet, tea party, or luncheon for Moms on Mother’s Day, but what about Dad? What do we do for Dads on Father’s Day Planning Party? I’ve noticed that Dads don’t seem to get the much deserved pampering on Father’s Day as Moms do. For some reason, at least at our house, Father’s Day is sometimes overlooked, lost in the whirlwind of summer plans. The Dads in our family are lucky to get a Father’s Day tie and perhaps a Sunday Barbecue (something we do almost every Sunday).
This year why not surprise all the Dads in your life with a Father’s Day Party! Somehow I never thought of throwing Dads parties other than on their birthdays. I’m sure a Father’s Day party will be much appreciated. It doesn’t have to be a big elaborate affair, even a simple one with a special cake and a few decorations will work. Here are some great Father’s Day party themes I found around the web to inspire your Father’s Day celebrations.
I love this idea! Break out your scissors or your Cricut machines if you have one, and cut out Super Hero logos for Dad’s Super Dad party.
Use the printables from Piggy Bank Parties.
Piggy Bank Parties
Sweeten Your Day Events
Workman Family
Set up a Gourmet Hot Dog Bar and throw Dad a Top Dog party. Get your free printables here from Party BluPrints!
Gather up his favorite foods for this Best Dad Ever party idea from Catch My Party.
For the avid fisherman here’s some cute ideas for a Fisherman Party or you might call it a Fish Tales Party and print out all the Fish Tales dad has told over the years, in our family we have plenty!
Spaceships and Laser Beams
Southern Blue Celebrations
Three Pixie Lane
Set up a dessert station filled with Dad’s favorite frozen summer treats for this One Cool Pop party theme from Party Pinching.
For the Duffer Dads a golf themed party is perfect!
Hostess with the Mostess
Party Pinching
If Dad’s the conservative executive type this Necktie decor from Kara’s Party Ideas should please his style.
Center a Father’s Day Party around Dad’s favorite sport, baseball, football, basketball, soccer, or whatever. Serve stadium type foods including hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, and beer.
BLovely Events
Bottle Your Brand
Family Disney
For Dads who love Lucha Libre, Mexican food, or the quirky comedy Nacho Libre host a Nacho Ordinary Party like this one found on Hostess with the Mostess.
Car buff Dads will love these Vintage or Race Car themed parties.
Catch My Party
The Cake Blog
Kara’s Party Ideas
Hostess with the Mostess
Whichever theme you decide on don’t forget to include Grandpas too!
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