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Mark is now married and he and his beautiful wife might be thinking of having children soon and are looking closely at the world they live in and which their children will have to grow up in. This is a sign of maturity and most AXJ Members around the the world have already been there and done that. We are happy to know that Mark has decided to lead an average life and do the average things. Soon enough he will encounter all the real problems life has to offer and issues that money cannot buy nor solve.

The lovely couple will no doubt start travelling and see the disparity between the haves and the havenots and the brilliant minds and the simple minds that are just trying to survive. They may decide to go to the Capital of Mexico with over 20mm people and see all the homeless children just making it day to day. This is reality in the streets of most Latin American countries including Brazil whether they like to admit it or not. Or perhaps they will decide to travel to India and see another kind of poverty? Perhaps they will decide to try to change this terrible reality, or just fly back home and watch the baseball game on TV and forget about the rest of the world?

We at Actions For Justice ( AXJ ) are hoping that the article written below by Mark are not just nice words and is actually a real genuine and honest gesture to use his knowledge and financial empire to take real Actions for Justice and sit down with his contacts and the political leaders in this country and set the facts straight.

First and foremost, lets take care of our children and change these awful system and family Courts. Let's stop the child kidnapping which is extremely prevalent where Social Services, and specifically Child Protective Services ( CPS ), has become so powerful like in countries like the United Kingdom ( U.K. ). Mark just imagine the Police show up and your door and come to take your new born? How would you feel?

Just imagine that with all your money and power they were more powerful and decided to snatch your newborn from your arms like this man had done to him?

We at AXJ know you and your team mean well and a start is a start, but please take a look at the bigger picture. The rest of the world has not had the opportunities you have all had and may never be able to create any type of financial empire. All these People want is a simple average life where they know no one is above the Law and that our children will grow up safe, with food on the table, a roof over their heads and be educated.

Mark, FORBES states you net worth is at: $13.3 Billion USD. Use that wealth to help change the structure of our social, political and economic systems. That doesn't mean to forget about legal or illegal immigration, it only means think beyond the American Box. If this country is hurting just think about how the rest of the world is doing.

Source: http://www.forbes.com/profile/mark-zuckerberg/

Facebook's Zuckerberg launches political group

By BARBARA ORTUTAY | AP Technology Writer • Published April 11, 2013

Read more here: http://www.theolympian.com/2013/04/11/2500868/facebooks-zuckerberg-...

NEW YORK – Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other Silicon Valley leaders have formally launched a political group aimed at revamping immigration policy, boosting education and encouraging investment in scientific research.

Zuckerberg announced the formation of Fwd.us (pronounced "forward us") in an op-ed article in The Washington Post late Wednesday night. In it, he said the U.S. needs a new approach to these issues if it is to get ahead economically. This includes offering a path to citizenship for the 11 million or so immigrants who now live in the U.S. illegally.

"We have a strange immigration policy for a nation of immigrants," Zuckerberg wrote. "And it's a policy unfit for today's world."

Zuckerberg, whose great-grandparents were immigrants, said he wants "comprehensive immigration reform that begins with effective border security, allows a path to citizenship and lets us attract the most talented and hardest-working people, no matter where they were born."

The move comes at an opportune time. Zuckerberg's goals echo a sweeping immigration bill that a bipartisan Senate group is expected to roll out in the coming days.

Companies such as Microsoft and Google, along with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, have been pushing to make it easier for highly skilled workers and entrepreneurs to work in the U.S. Although Fwd.us supports increasing the number of visas available to these workers, its goals are broader.

Zuckerberg also called for higher standards and accountability in schools and increased focus on learning about science, technology, engineering and math. Today's knowledge and ideas-based economy, the 28-year-old Harvard dropout wrote, is very different from the economy of the 20th century that was based on natural resources, industrial machines and labor.

Fwd.us, he said, was created to "to build the knowledge economy the United States needs to ensure more jobs, innovation and investment."

Also backing the group are tech leaders such as LinkedIn Corp. CEO Reid Hoffman and venture capitalists John Doerr and Jim Breyer, as well as Ruchi Sanghvi of Dropbox, who was Facebook Inc.'s first female engineer. Joe Green, founder of Causes.com, a social network for community organizing, serves as the group's president and founder.

Major financial contributors include Google Inc. Chairman Eric Schmidt, Netflix Inc. CEO Reed Hastings, Yahoo Inc. CEO Marissa Mayer, SpaceX and Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk, Zynga Inc. CEO Mark Pincus and former Groupon Inc. CEO Andrew Mason.

Fwd.us declined to disclose how much money Zuckerberg and other supporters have contributed to the group.

Last year, Zuckerberg donated 18 million Facebook shares, worth close to $500 million at the time, to a Silicon Valley charity with the aim of funding health and education issues. And he pledged $100 million in Facebook stock to Newark, N.J., public schools in 2010, before his company went public in May 2012.

Zuckerberg is not the only high-ranking Facebook executive to use his role to advance social causes. Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg launched LeanIn.org, a nonprofit aimed at arming women with the tools and guidance they need to keep moving forward in the workforce.

The formation of Zuckerberg's group was reported by The Associated Press and other outlets last month.

Donald Graham, chairman of The Washington Post Co., is a member of Menlo Park, Calif.-based Facebook's board of directors.

Associated Press writer Erica Werner contributed to this story from Washington.


Zuckerberg's op-ed: http://wapo.st/16SYUXs

New group: http://www.fwd.us

Source: http://www.theolympian.com/2013/04/11/2500868/facebooks-zuckerberg-...

Building the Knowledge Economy

Earlier this year, I started teaching a class on entrepreneurship at an after school program in my community. The middle school students put together business plans, made their products and even got an opportunity to sell them.

One day I asked my students what they thought about going to college. One of my top aspiring entrepreneurs told me he wasn’t sure that he’d be able to go to college because he’s “undocumented.” His family is from Mexico and they moved here when he was a baby. Many students in my community are in the same situation; they moved to the United States so early in their lives they have no memory of living anywhere else.

These students are smart and hard-working, and they should be part of our future.


We have a strange immigration policy for a nation of immigrations. And it's a policy unfit for today's world.

The economy of the last century was primarily based on natural resources, industrial machines and manual labor. It was an economy where many of these resources were zero sum and controlled by companies. If someone else had an oil field, then you did not. There are only so many oil fields, and there is only so much wealth that can be created from them for society.

Today’s economy is very different. It is primarily based on knowledge and ideas -- resources that are renewable and available to everyone. Unlike oil fields, someone else knowing something doesn't prevent you from knowing it too. In fact, the more people who know something, the better educated and trained we all are, the more productive we become, and the better off everyone in our nation can be.

This can change everything. In a knowledge economy, the most important resources are the talented people we educate and attract to our country. A knowledge economy can scale further, create better jobs and provide a higher quality of living for everyone in our nation.

To lead the world in this new economy, we need the most talented and hardest-working people. We need to train and attract the best. We need those middle school students to be tomorrow's leaders.

Given all this, why do we kick out the more than 40% of math and science graduate students who are not US citizens after paying to educate them? Why do we offer so few H1B visas for talented specialists that the supply runs out within days of becoming available each year, even though we know each of these jobs will create two or three more American jobs in return? Why don't we let entrepreneurs move here even when they have what it takes to start new companies that will create even more jobs?

We need a new approach, including:

- Comprehensive immigration reform that begins with effective border security, allows a path to citizenship and lets us attract the most talented and hardest working people, no matter where they were born.

- Higher standards and accountability in our schools, support for good teachers, and a much greater focus on learning about science, technology, engineering and math.

- Investment in breakthrough discoveries in scientific research, and assurance that the benefits of the inventions belong to the public and not just the few.

Changes like these won’t happen on their own.

That's why today I am proud to announce FWD.us.

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