Hundreds of Thousands in Spain rally against government austerity on March 22, 2014
According to thousands of Action for Justice ( AXJ ) Members in Spain today, several hundreds of thousands, if not a million people, demonstrated in Madrid against the corruption of the Rajoy Government.
AXJ Spain has attempted to contact the Government of Spain and Embassies around the world about true figures but to no avail. Total secrecy and the Main Stream Media ( MSM ) will not cover nor publish the truth. Only a few small insignificant articles have been published to date as the one below by the Associated Press ( AP ), for which we are thankful.
AXJ SPAIN has created a website on Facebook where it will be posting evidence of the amount of people that actually attended the demonstrations and police brutality the encountered. No human being is authorized to use violence against another.
It is truly a shame that the Rajoy Government is hell bent on ignoring the facts and the People of Spain, and not permitting the Spanish press to publish the truth openly and freely. Spain is going through one of its worse periods of social unrest right now since the death of the dictator Francisco Franco in 1975, when he left Juan Carlos in charge of the country.
On Monday March 24, 2014 AXJ Spain members will be meeting with top level Spanish Government Officials to formally request the resignation of Mariano Rajoy and his government in Spain before any more blood is shed.
AXJ SPAIN Members have sent us photos of actual bullets being shot at the People.
The Associated Press
Published Saturday, March 22, 2014 3:58PM EDT
MADRID, Spain -- Tens of thousands of demonstrators from across Spain have marched in central Madrid to protest government measures they claim have eroded civil rights in the country.
Six columns of protesters -- each from a different region of Spain -- arrived at the outskirts of the city early Saturday before heading for Colon square, carrying banners bearing the slogan "Marching for Dignity."
By late afternoon, Madrid's principal boulevard, Paseo del Prado, was packed with people chanting against government's austerity policies and the cuts they have entailed.
The protest includes trade unions, civil servants and organizations representing people evicted from their homes for not being able to make mortgage payments after losing their jobs.
One woman carried a banner saying, "My daughter can't be here because she's had to emigrate."
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