'Bullies' like Trump also Rise in Europe (Frankfurter Allgemeine Ze...
Some may be heartened to know - and others disgusted - that the United States is not alone when it comes to populists railing against a system they feels has ignored them and their way of life. For Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, columnist Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger examines why people like Donald Trump, Britain's Nigel Farage, Switzerland's Christoph Blocher and Geert Wilders of the Netherlands are thriving in a time of breakneck change and politica; gridlock.
"Trump is the out-sized American version of a populist phenomenon that can also be observed in other Western states, especially in West Europe. … Reflecting nothing but contempt for the political compromise that is the essence of democratic societies … people who think this way are filled with anger about such political activity - and full of suspicion because economic, social and cultural conditions are changing so much so fast. No wonder immigration is the most divisive and inflammatory issue on the right. It should be said, however, that it also resonates with 'normal' people experiencing a sense of insecurity."
'Bullies' like Trump also Rise in Europe (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany)
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