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Action for Justice ( AXJ ) Members in the United States of America ( USA ) have decided to join the class actions lawsuits filed against the Obama Administration and the National Security Agency ( NSA ) for violations of the Constitution. ( Jewel v. NSA ) https://www.eff.org/cases/jewel
Jewel v. National Security Agency is a United States class action lawsuit filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) against the National Security Agency (NSA) and several high-ranking officials of the administration for 43rd U.S. president George W. Bush,[1] charging an "illegal and unconstitutional program of dragnet communications surveillance."[2] It was filed on behalf of Carolyn Jewel and several other AT&T customers on September 18, 2008, and is based on documentation provided by former AT&T technician Mark Klein.[3]
The case was dismissed on January 21, 2010 by U.S. District Court Chief Judge Vaughn Walker.[4] On appeal, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated the case on December 29, 2011.[5] NSA whistleblower William Binney testified in July 2012 in support of the EFF that the NSA was "purposefully violating the Constitution."[6] On July 8, 2013 Judge Jeffrey White of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California refused to dismiss the lawsuit under the state secrets privilege.[7] - WIKI
This is a very sensitive issue and basically will stop Governments in the their tracks from spying on Americans. https://www.facebook.com/notes/axjnews-us/class-action-lawsuits-fil...
Class Action Lawsuits Filed Against Obama/NSA For Violations of the Constitution
Dear Patriots,
We the People have recently learned that the President Barack Obama is using his National Security Agency to spy on us, by intercepting our private and confidential telephone messages,emails and internet postings to use against us. In this way it can obviously coerce and blackmail the American people to remain silent to his power grab, which is intended to transform our beloved nation into his dream of a socialist state.
I'm looking for millions of Americans to stand together and join withus in the class action lawsuits we have already filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. against the Obama administration, its corporate enablers and the judge who went along with their power grab, in order to take back our constitutionally protected rightsof privacy, freedom of association and the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures of our most private personal communications and due process. Without millions of American citizens fighting for freedom, we fear that our great country will be totally destroyed if President Obama is allowed to continue spying on all of our telephone calls, email and internet postings.PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY AS OUR CLASS ACTION CASES HAVE ALREADYBEEN FILED AND ARE IN PROGRESS AND WE NEED YOU TO JOIN IN THE FIGHT TO PRESERVE OUR FREEDOMS BEFORE ALL IS LOST!
Pleasehelp us win this class action suit by donating here.
Theseclass action lawsuits were filed because Barack Hussein Obama'sNational Security Agency (NSA) is looking through billions of ouremails, phone records, and other personal and confidentialinformation to coerce and blackmail the American people to remainsilent to his tyranny and attempted dismantling of the foundationsof our Republic.
This outrage is more than simply the latest scandal in Washington. It marks a critical turning point in our nation, and I am counting on you to support us in our efforts to regain our rights as American citizens; rights which our Founding Fathers and the American colonies fought and died for.
This is an absolutely critical and defining moment. Already filed class action lawsuits against President Obama, his Attorney General Eric Holder, the NSA, Verizon, and other cell phone and internet provider companies like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and AOL, will serve to unify all political and social persuasions in our great nation to wage a second American revolution, one that is peaceful and legal - but pursued with force. The time has come for We the People to rise up and reclaim control of our nation. The American people can use these class actions to 'man the barricades of freedom' against President Obama and his establishment government despots and their corporate enablers who seek to imprison them through coercive abuses of their privacy and other constitutional rights. We must say 'no' to the Orwellian power grab. We must demand that our liberties be respected, before we are all made the prisoners of Obama and his comrades.
Without your strong financial support, however, this could be the moment that Americans give up their God given rights to freedom, ran away from a fight and gave up our last bit of approval for a government-takeover of our lives. To keep us down and to prevent us from fighting back, Obama and his comrades are spying on all of us. They are obviously prepared to use confidential personal information to coerce and blackmail we, the American people, into submission in order that he can pursue his agenda to transform the nation into a socialist state. This simply cannot be permitted and we must not stand for this, but rather stand and fight together to prevent this. As our Founding Father Benjamin Franklin declared in the days leading up to the Declaration of Independence, either we must all hang together or separately we will be hanged.
The class action cases which we have filed are a way for us all tohang together to defeat Obama and his socialist comrades.
To view the class action complaints, join our just cause and make generous gift to our legal defense fund, go here.We the People are up against powerful forces and we must have the financial means to legally wage this battle; a second American revolution to reclaim and preserve our liberties. Let us all band together to wage a second American revolution, legally and in the courts, to preserve our God given freedoms and liberties. Time is short before all is lost.
If you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $500,$250, $100, $50 or $35 today. Every dollar counts. With your support, we will immediately begin mobilizing millions of freedom loving Americans from all over the country to join our already filed lawsuits stop Obama’s spying on us and to preserve our freedoms! While others just talk, we have taken action to put an end to this illegal attempt by President Obama to take away our constitutional rights and to take total control over the lives of me, you and our loved ones.
Thanks so much for your support. Time is short to save the nation from President Obama’s totalitarian takeover! Help us NOW to wage this legal revolution to save the nation before all is lost!
Pleaseconsider donating. Anything will help.
Larry Klayman
Mr. Klayman was the legal counsel who successfully
defeated the legal recall of Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Source: http://superstore.wnd.com/Legal-Defense-Fund-to-Support-Already-Fil...
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