RE: AP News Story --
On the assumption that Washington, D.C., decriminalizes cannabis (better known as "pot", "marijuana", or "how to get stoned and jailed all the same night without a hangover, but watch out for the munchies!'", lawmakers on Capitol Hill are likely to "play hell" keeping it illegal to smoke pot in the United States.
The primary complaint from lawmakers about the national budget has been a lack of tax revenue. Defying the Laws of Common Sense, Congress and company pushed an anti-smoking campaign through its Hallowed Halls as public policy. Before they did this, many programs for the poor had been funded by smokers' taxes. This is one of the few programs where their objective was actually met. However, with fewer smokers came fewer tax dollars.
Now, Congress has the opportunity to turn their $17 Trillion Deficit into a major Surplus. With their War On Drugs (more like a waged war on drug dealers and users -- when was the last time you heard of a pot plant being indicted?), if they start selling equipment-rolled packs of Marijuana cigarettes for $10, with $7 of it in taxes, their tax revenue will go through the roof. Especially if they permit international sales.
The same laws that apply to DWI, DUI, and being under the influence of a controlled substance would apply to marijuana use. A major plus for this program is that it would force most drug dealers out of business, as it would no longer be profitable as retail sales would undercut virtually any program they came up with.
-- Danny Stone
Program Director
Wallstone Radio
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