Freedom And Liberty ARE God given rights But are often taking away by people...
Despite the U.S. Constitution of 1787, and older yet the Massachusetts State Constitution, there is never been equality among people. When have we ever stood not divisive? See our Great Constitutions never meant to include any one other than rich, wealthy, men of the protestant religion.
The Constitution was written with British common law in mind. That law was taken from the Authorized King James Bible that was taken from the manuscripts to promote a better life in England. Here it has been polluted with laws of precedence which steers away from God's laws and into mans.
It seems that we have always used others for our glory. To make us money. If others made their own or had what someone wanted it was found away to obtain it even if it took lives, self respect, dignity, liberty, the right to be secure in homes and possessions and yes GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.
These days I see anger towards people we have used and stripped of every thing as some have gained a lot under the Constitution to appease and prevent a mob and uprising. To take and silence with any type of welfare or other promises that only keep under foot. I see people are getting what they have reaped and did not expect. Some of these people are enjoying what they were never meant to and at a point that scares others to a inclination to the running as rabid animals.
I for see a storm coming. Call it the wrath of God. The thing is you will not be able to call it by the name equality as Father in heaven would and someday will have it.
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