Tonight an AXJ Reporter was working on Facebook and unfortunately he was witness to how an innocent person was set up and accused of committing a crime with the picture of a young lady.
We will not reproduce that picture since it does not belong to us but we will explain what happened.
There are approximately 100 million accounts on Facebook but unfortunately many of them are fake.
This is not Facebook's fault but the fault of the owners and authors that create those fake profiles.
Some people do it to safeguard their personal information and others to try to commit cyber crimes.
Anyone of these accounts can upload and forward a picture to anyone in their group or to anyone on Facebook that wants to receive it.
Apparently tonight an unsuspecting woman received a picture of a young woman and posted it on the forum of another person.
That picture then started circulating among more than 200,000 accounts and there was no way to stop it.
Now that woman will have to explain to the police not the origin of the picture, but the reason why she voluntarily took it and published it on a forum with over 3,500 people in it.
AXJ advises all its members on Facebook, or any other social networking website, to never forward pics that are not theirs or of their friends or family.
All it takes is one picture that is considered by some to be "indecent", to report you to Facebook and/or the police, and they can and will call you in for questioning besides removing your Facebook account and charging you with theft.
If this does happen to you we recommend that you immediately delete the picture and explain to any other members of your forum that you did not look closely at it. Unfortunately, this may be too little too late, since if you post the picture on someone else's forum, it might be copied and passed on.
In this particular case, the AXJ reporter tried to warn the person that had inadvertently copied and pasted the unfortunate pic in another person's forum, and was copied and forwarded by others, and it has now made her appear as a criminal.
The AXJ reporter did her best to warn the person, but if they do not listen there is nothing more that can be done. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
In conclusion, think before you act. As some say, put mind in gear before putting your mouth in action.
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