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Jesus from Spain was born on the 20th of November in 1975

Jesus from Spain was born on the 20th of November in 1975

Hello AXJ Members around the world. My name is Jesus and I was born the same day Franco died. What a bad coincidence. I am presently overseas fighting Mr. Obama's wars, but now I understand he has the right and authority to send a drone and kill me and my fellow soldiers for no reason at all. I am not happy about this.

I have a wife and two (2) children back in Spain, just like Mr. Obama, and I don't want to die. I came here to keep the PEACE and now they are telling me I can die at any moment from a US drone attack? Without a human being in the plane? This is not right.

I was born in a small town in Spain and was taught many things, some I agree with and some I don't.

After I finished what you call High School I could not find work in Spain, so a friend has a father in the military and he asked me if I wanted to join. I said yes and have now been in the military for 15 years.

I am married and have two beautiful children back in Spain who are waiting for me to return with them. My case is very similar to that of many American soldiers I speak with all the time. Many are very nice and try to speak Spanish with me but others do not. They are helping me write this comment too.

Sometimes we work and pray together, have become close friends, and talk about our mission here, which is to keep the PEACE. At least that is what we all believe.

Many of my American friends ask me many questions about Spain. They ask why we have a King and who the President is? They ask me how Columbus discovered America and why Spain blew up the Maine? I then turn around and ask them why the USA is in so many wars, and why the UK and Spain had to get involved in all of this. We usually end up looking at each other and laughing.

Some times, when we have time, we go to the shops in the city and talk with the People and some of them are very nice to us and yet others are very hostile. I can understand this. We especially like to talk with the children and shake their hands, but the children ask us why we have guns?

This is a very difficult question for us to answer and it makes us all very sad. Sometimes we just can't understand why we are here and what we are doing. We all thought you keep Peace by making Peace? These children remind me of my children.

I was just thinking, since all my buddies in the wars around the world are reading this why don't we the Military do something for Peace in the world? Why don't we arrest the trouble makers who are causing us to fight and sit down with all our fellow soldiers in every Country in the world and talk Peace for real? We have the power and resources to do it right here right now? This is what I see, a General Assembly of all the Military Leaders around the world talking Peace. I don't think any politician or diplomat would mind, do you?

We have a place we can use only this time it won't be the trouble makers, it will be all the Military in the world? That means the Iranian Military, the Korean Military, the Chinese Military, everyone?

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