YES, we have judicial system.
Like every country. The task of the judiciary is to decide on the rights and duties of citizens, and charges brought against them.
All courts in the Republic of Slovenia are regular courts, and act in accordance with the principles of constitutionality, independence and the rule of law.
The unified system of courts consists of courts with general and specialised jurisdiction.
Courts with general jurisdiction include 44 district, 11 regional, and 4 higher courts, and the Supreme Court, while specialised courts comprise 4 labour courts and a social court (they rule on labour-related and social insurance disputes), and the Administrative Court, which provides legal protection in administrative affairs and has the status of a higher court.
The state prosecution holds a special place in the justice system, as it is an independent state authority, but also part of the executive branch of power.
The General State Prosecutor is appointed by the National Assembly.
DA, imamo pravosodni sistema.Naloga sodstva je, da se odloča o pravicah in dolžnostih državljanov ter o obtožbah proti njim. Vsa sodišča v Republiki Sloveniji, so redna sodišča, in delujejo v skladu z načeli ustavnosti, neodvisnosti in vladavine prava.Enoten sistem sodišč sestavljajo sodišče splošne in specializirane pristojnosti. Sodišča s splošno pristojnostjo vključujejo 44 okrožij, 11 regionalnih in 4 višja sodišča in vrhovno sodišče, medtem ko specializirana sodišča sestavljajo 4 delovna sodišča in socialno sodišče (odločajo o sporih v zvezi z delom in socialna zavarovanja) in Upravno sodišče, ki zagotavlja pravno varstvo v upravnih zadevah in ima status višjega sodišča.Državno tožilstvo ima posebno mesto v pravosodnm sistemu, saj je neodvisen državni organ, tudi del izvršilne veje oblasti.Generalni državni tožilec, ga imenuje državni zbor.
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