As human beings go through life on planet Earth they have many decisions to make, The door they finally decide to open is the one which will decide their fate in every step of the way.
AXJ publishes this best selling novel that studies the human mind and its control over the body and how every external activity affects human beings mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and physically on conscious and non conscious levels.
This novel is based in part on real life experiences of a wealthy person as he describes his experiences during his lifetime and how he was conditioned to do certain things in life he now regrets. He is seen sitting in the waiting room remembering his life in three different time frames birth to age 30, 30 to 60, and now in the last days of his life.
As I sit at my Chiropractor's office waiting my turn, I have a little time to remember days gone by and think about what really happened. What has my life been all about? What decisions did I make and what decisions were made for me? Did I do it all for money or were other more important things in life involved? Are there more important things in life than money? All these questions started popping into my head in just a second while I waited.
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