28th US constitution amendment: Election of Pres by House of Representatives

28th US constitution amendment:  Election of Pres by House of Representatives

1000 problems with anachronistic 'electoral college'.  TV, instant communications, insane campaign contributions, pathetic TV ads which appeal always to the lowest common denominator.

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    The 28th Amendment will obligate all politicians in the USA to obey the Laws they make.

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    linda a dagosta

    i would like a people poll done without the influence or control of the media and I will bet the passing vote was not i favor.. i would like future elections to go back to hand written ballots, i think it is worth the time to count them then to have  an electronic ballot that no one can witness. This is too easy to fudge or play with and this is a very important event  no need for doubts on this  i talk to many m,any people all over in different states and seems I have only run into one who really voted for Obama opposed to countless who vote against. The public is being handed too many lies.. it is time to take a stand one for all and all for one

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    linda a dagosta

    i just signed that and added this : We the people of the United States want a translucent agenda and equality for all not just some