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I hate lawbreakers. So much so in fact that I want to ask those in power and authority over me, "Why do you let them slide? You have the power to arrest, detain and prosecute them, why then do you let them slide?"
And so it goes...
Of late a lot of political, social and ecumenical hay has been made of the Bush Administration and the Justice Department firings BECAUSE, because now, of the continuation of the IRS scandal, Fast & Furious and Benghazi.
Republicans are bulldog tenacious when it comes to proving something, anything at this point, against the Obama Administration. All the while working with Obama at every turn to keep the George W. Bush Administration from seeing the inside of a federal courtroom.
Yet Democrats are good to bring up the U.S. Attorneys scandal from the Bush Admin., especially when Republicans persist in the so-called 'Obama scandals'. They bring up about the multiple firings, lost emails, etc. To be sure, it was and is a scandal but so to is the scandal that is the duplicity of the 113th Congress and the American Media to keep Dubya & Dick out of jail. While yet and still decrying how bad, how God-awful George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney really are. Hey, sex sells, right?
And so it goes....
I have, on my own, amassed enough R & D on this matter for myself to choke a horse. The 'Internets' is chalked full of lovely, nugget filled centers. Yet remains the fact that the main and alternative news media streams are hip deep in duplicity. WHY? Answer: Ratings.
It is far more profitable for a major network news organization to trash rather than help prosecute George W. Bush & Co. Bottom line. Good folks the likes of Phil Griffin over at MSNBC can't sell Bowe flex commercials when George W. Bush is inside a prison cell! That's why it's far more profitable to just trash and bash the ex-president and his administration than it is to adjudicate them.
Yet remains the FACT that George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney are guilty as the day is long when it comes to the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, Torture, Detainment, Search and Seizure, U.S.A. Patriot Act, etc. The list goes on and on and on.
And so it goes...
I find it intellectually dishonest on the part of Phil Griffin and the MSNBC faithful to talk, to gum bump to death, rather than to adjudicate the Bush Administration for War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity. Yet, this self-same group wants to gather round the newsroom water cooler and portend that all is well that what that they are doing to inform and educate the troubled masses is more than enough. God will take care of George W. Bush in his own good timing. NOW, lets just trash him publicly and tell the audience at home what a low life scum-sucking pig that we think he is and how that he lied and thousands died, hey, hey, ho, ho.
And so it goes again...
George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney and the Bush Administration WILL NEVER, EVER SEE THE INSIDE OF A COURTROOM FOLKS. The reason, is because it's far more easier, more cost-effective and more of a ratings grab to just try them in the court of public opinion. Did you meet your George W. Bush trash-o-meter quota today Alex Wagner?
Remember: To the newsperson who gets more or the most digs in on Dubya and Dick while on air in a day you get the best parking space in the garage and employee of the week title. Now, go for it team!
WTH?! At what point did you lose sight of the objective? At what point did it become more cost-effective to pontificate, to bloviate rather than to adjudicate these War Criminals?
I am troubled, deeply disturbed in fact that Barack H. Obama, II. would allow Bush, Cheney & Co. to slide to skirt by when it comes to answering up on everything from outing a covert C.I.A. agent to the 16 words used in the 2002 State of the Union.
So to those who would say well you know George Bush and Dick Cheney they, they committed war crimes and atrocities sure but it was all just really a little white lie, it's not that big of deal anyways and besides they've got 'executive privilege' when it comes to those sorts of things any ways, so, so lets just continue to trash and bash them from afar you keep tuning into my television news show, and I'll make you feel as good about your prejudices as I can and help you to forget all about your George Bush and Dick Cheney issues. What, respectfully, a steaming pile of happy horse crap!
These men committed crimes against word humanity and they should face prosecution. WHY haven't they been prosecuted, yet, by Eric Holder and the Justice Department?
Answer: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/2679
Answer: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/source-justice-dept-won-ch...
Answer: http://gowdy.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=316855
Meet the Westfall Act. Meet the Holder Letter. Meet the Presidential Protection Act.
These three things combined along with a willing spirit from the heart of Barack Obama are what that is keeping George Bush, at the very least, from seeing Justice. The free world seeking justice.
You'll recall a than personal visit from former President George H.W. Bush and former Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush in 2012, SEE HERE: http://www.politico.com/politico44/2012/01/obama-hosts-george-hw-an...
A visit, that was, by the way, strictly off-the-record, but it was only until then White House Press Secretary Jay Carney leaked it like he leaked the Obama Hillary Clinton luncheon and one can guess the Andy Stern SEIU multiple visits to the White House in the early going of the Obama years, "Workers of the world unite, it's not just a simple slogan anymore, it's a way of life!" Hello?
Any who. Any how. And as such.... Jay Carney is a gum bumper. A grade A grand profession ale leaker. Hence his departure. REMEMBER: Mr. Obama doesn't like leaks, he runs, after all, an air tight ship! Leaks and leakers will not be tolerated. Mr. Carney's near cream in jeans moments be damned. You leak, and you are out! It may take Mr. Obama some moments to get to you but he will get to you and when he does God help you because your blessed assurance belongs to him.
I don't care what you say, how you frame it. What kind of blindly ambitious conspiracy theory talk you throw at me this is what happened to John J. Carney. Period. Full stop.
SO, we have no choice but to assume Jay Carney spilled the proverbial beans when it came to the Bush boys paying ole Barry a visit to keep Dubya out of jail by any means necessary.
ENTER: Trey Gowdy. Republican, South Carolina. In the interests of full disclosure I really like Trey Gowdy and I don't know why. But Trey Gowdy is a died in the wool conservative. Moreover he's a Reagan conservative and it was in that vein that George H.W. Bush came to Mr. Gowdy soon-after Barack Obama was inaugurated President and asked Mr. Gowdy to devise an extension to the Presidential Protection Act. Under the guise and the auspices that past as well as present Presidents are living longer. As if the U.S. Secret Service needs anymore notice to protect and defend past, present as well as future Presidents of these United States.
But Bush, Sr. insisted. Trey Gowdy being who Trey Gowdy is obliged. Conversely we have the Presidential Protection Act of 2013.
ENTER: Eric Holder. Eric Holder Attorneys General of the United States of America. The top cop of top cops everywhere. George H.W. Bush also paid him a visit while he was in Washington with Jeb visiting Barry Obama.
It was at that meeting that George H.W. Bush begged for the life of his son from Eric Holder. Tears rained down, audible sobbing could be heard from the Holder Offices in the R.F.K. Building that day. After an hour maybe two Bush Sr. and Jeb emerged with Bush Sr. clearing his nose and throat with his favorite handkerchief. In the days that followed Eric Holder dispatched a letter to the White House, to President Obama beseeching, in fact begging him to do two things. Encourage Congress, both Houses then, to pass and sign immediately into law the Presidential Protection Act of 2013 and then sign into law, quietly, a strengthening by the 113th Congress of something called the Westfall Act. But and perhaps the most troubling issue keeping Dubya and Dick up nights in 2012 and 2013 and that was an Iraqi national named Sundus Shaker Saleh is a San Francisco, CA. based housewife and homemaker whose family was displaced by the War in Iraq.
Ms. Shaker-Saleh and her family through no fault of their own lost their home, land, title and status when the invasion of Iraq began in 2003. Because of this and other more mitigating circumstances Ms. Shaker-Saleh and her family applied for and were granted asylum here in the United States in 2005. Ever since that day she and her family have been ensconced in the Bay Area in hopes of one day returning soon to their homeland.
Several things, however, have kept them from doing that. Political, social and ecumenical prisoners here Ms. Shaker-Saleh through the American Civil Liberties Union filed a formal law suit against three noted members of the Bush Administration H. Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney.
She charged under the Nuremberg Affair that the Bush Administration and in fact those mentioned in her suit deliberately and effectively destroyed her native land, her family's home, family name, title, reputation and standing in their community with both an 'illegal' and an 'unjust' war.
ENTER AGAIN: Eric Holder. Mr. Holder through known and shared knowledge by George H.W. Bush and Jeb Bush knew this suit was pending. He had to act fast, and fast he did. So to do Bush Sr. and Jeb. They covered all their bases in those mid-year-days of 2012 and 2013. That's why summer's are so damn interesting in the political process of our nation folks! But I digress.
Eric Holder acted fast, Bush Sr. and Jeb acted fast and Barack Obama acted even faster with the help of the 113th Congress and Trey Gowdy. PLEASE NOTE: This is probably the one and only time that all three branches, aside from 2008 when Obama paid Chief Justice John Roberts a private, need-to-know-only visit--presumably to talk shop on his Constitutional eligibility to be President of these United States-presumably, has worked simultaneously on any one thing, BTW.
We had in those 2012/2013 days all three branches of government agreeing that this had to be done, that the proverbial market needed to be cornered against Salehand her family BECAUSE they all knew that if such a suit were to go through, if such an action were to be taken up by any federal court at any level or perhaps even a local court system as her legal representation once tried to do when the federal just would not hear it thanks to Eric Holder's Justice Department.
The books were cooked, the deck stacked, the game rigged. Game. Set. Match. Government wins and the little person looses. How typical. How apropos.
And so it goes...
So George Bush and Dick Cheney never ever see the inside of a courtroom much less a jail cell. The media get their always constant scape goat. George H.W. Bush who clearly loves his son so much gets to see him everyday until he breathes his last. It is, for all intents and purposes, a win, win all the way around for the elite and powerful and a loose, loose for the little man.
To that end I invite and encourage you all to check out the link below and the links above at your leisure for the absolute facts of the matter. Especially surrounding this issue BECAUSE no matter what the media, President Obama and the like tell you George W. Bush and his Administration are and always will be guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors against the People of Iraq, Afghanistan, America and the World. Sweet loving and curmudgeon natures be damned. Period. Full stop.
Iraqi Mom Faces Justice Department Pushback in Bush-Cheney Law Suit
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