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MoneyGram International Inc. is a money transfer company based in the United…
ContinueAdded by AXJ USA on January 30, 2014 at 11:00am — 2 Comments
Some individuals consider having a steam shower bath installed at home is an extravagant and luxurious piece of appliance. Indeed, the cost may be more than what most people can afford however if you consider the health benefits and cost of likely to a spa, having your very own steam shower actually means a great deal savings. Paying a premium rate for a spa for several…
ContinueAdded by Sharita Griffins on January 16, 2014 at 12:54am — No Comments
YES, we have judicial system.
Like every country. The task of the judiciary is to decide on the rights and duties of citizens, and charges brought against them.
All courts in the Republic of Slovenia are regular courts, and act in accordance with the principles of constitutionality, independence and the rule of law.
The unified system of courts consists of courts with general and specialised jurisdiction.
Courts with general jurisdiction include 44 district, 11…
ContinueAdded by BEISA ŽABKAR on January 7, 2014 at 3:30am — 2 Comments
Can each of us look deep down in our heart and try to find Justice?
Can we be just for one moment together. Together for justice.Can we try?
Ali lahko vsak od nas pogleda globoko v svoje srce in poskusi najti pravico?
Ali bi lahko bili vsaj za en trenutek skupaj. Skupaj za pravico.Lahko poskusimo?
Added by BEISA ŽABKAR on January 6, 2014 at 6:24am — 1 Comment
I thought that only people in Africa have problems with justice, truth and corruption.
But now it is behind me, I live it. And not only me, all Slovenia.
Our politicians say that it is much better but everyone with two eyes can see that this is no truth, and no justice.
And what can we do to change this?
Mislila sem, da samo prebivalci Afrike imajo težave s pravico, resnico in korupcijo.
Ampak sedaj je tu ob meni, živim jo. Ne samo jaz, vsa…
ContinueAdded by BEISA ŽABKAR on January 5, 2014 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment
What is the first thing that appears in your mind when we say JUSTICE?
If we have no problems with justice than you never think about it.
Maybe sometimes when we watch television and see someone who is fighting for justice, or sometimes when a child tries to tell the WORLD, to us, how important a pen and a book are.
But do we realise what it means.
What it means when the whole state wants to tell you that there is no justice.
No one…
ContinueAdded by BEISA ŽABKAR on January 5, 2014 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment
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